Saturday, January 23, 2016

What Is Behind One Action?

When we see one action (Kruti), before that there is thought process (Vichar)and emotion (bhavana). Thinking is like a blue print, and sometimes it takes place in conscious level and many a times at sub concious level. Emotion can be gross, which is felt by the person and sometimes it's so subtle that it's not perceived properly. 

Let's take some example, to cook veg biryani for her kids with a different flavour is the action by mother, it has thinking pattern coming as memory from past experience as well as innovative, creative thinking too. There is emotion as care and love felt towards kid by mother. So all these 3 are seen or perceived very well by the mother as well as any third person as an observer. 

Now let's consider other example of action, daughter-in-law not obeying some tips given by her mother in law. When her husband asks her politely "Why you are not following my mother's suggestions?" Then she replies innocently(?) " why? no, I don't mean to hurt her. " Now here always the thinking pattern of defining self respect or a rebel and emotion of anger or sorrow is surely there, to show absent mindedness. Now according to personality, these thoughts and emotions can be gross or subtle but they are always there, so no need to deny it. Any right or wrong action/deed is always associated with like wise thoughts and emotions, this is Simple and Sure Theory. So if someone is determined to do good deeds(Satkarm) then as a priority, one has to cultivate  good thoughts and practise positive emotions first. Then easily actions will be good. If someone wants to work successfully then one has to have Visions of success and emotional conviction too. This Trilogy of Action, Thinking and Emotion should be channelised well to attain ultimate Satisfaction and Bliss.

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