Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Is Multiple Intelligence Hereditary?

Wisdom is the most precious heritage. Multiple Intelligence may lead to wisdom, but efforts  are must for  development of Wisdom. If we consider this as heredity and lineage, then there is quite high incidence of transmitting all or few factors of Multiple Intelligence through genes. 

Indian Philosophy, explains  in a great deal about this. It illustrates as Y chromosomes are responsible for  transmitting characters related to intelligence, while X chromosomes deal more with phenotype characters. Process of transmission happens via father with genes related to intelligence  is his chromosomes. And maternal factors of intelligence are transmitted, by her very existence. 

Intra uterine connectivity is considered the best period when mothers emotions and intelligence both are sensed and absorbed and gained by the foetus, through vibrations (Spandan). Mother being the very first teacher and Guru of the child, maternal intelligence is transmitted through her teachings, by various communication methods. Thus heredity must be defined as a theory of genes and energy vibrations, in regards with Multiple Intelligence. 

Yes, there are so many incidences where we see intelligent parents having child of quite low intelligence levels. Why is so? What went wrong? Pre conceptional state of would be mother and father plays a vital role in genetic expression. If negative factors like stress, bad habits as smoking, alcohol consumption , emotional imbalance , nutritional deficiency, chronic disease states, etc. are some factors which become hindrance in transmission of pure intellect. Also intra uterine accidents ,(traumas) physical as well as emotional may lead to subtle damages in transmission of intelligence factors. 

For enhancing these possibilities of transmission of intelligence, balanced diet, nutritional supplements, stress reliving therapies, Yog, meditation, indulgence in creative activities, no exertion, are the factors to accept and practice by both , in pre conception phase as well as during pregnancy.

1 comment:

Pallavi said...

Good one n very informative ruta