Friday, January 8, 2016

Invest your Energy wisely

Energy must be respected and wisely invested everyday. Thinking in creative phase is primary and essential investment. Creativity boosts our energy stores. This fact must be experienced, rather than just known. Our daily routine sometime becomes monotonous and this phase may stagnate energy. Have you observed yourself when you are bored for more than a week, then you are highly prone for burst of negative emotions. Cultivating a good hobby is a one way, playing is also one of the very good creative doing, visit to Nature specially with kids, and listening kids imaginations actually brings out our own creativity. Eating simple carbohydrates, salads, sprouts is also very good investment of energy. Eating fast food is not wise, since such food stuffs require more energy for their digestion and excretion than they provide the energy in caloric value and nutritive value.  Now lets come to emotions. Energy expenditure for crying is more than for smiling. Thus by smiling we are saving energy along with increase in value of presentation.. So my dear learned friends, invest your energy in prosperity of complete health which is ultimate and known as Wisdom(Dnyan).

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