Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Parental Habits are reflected in child

What you say may or may not be seen in behavior of your child but what you do is surely followed. So if you want to inculcate good habits in your child then make sure, you are the first one to have it. Anyways, the golden rule is, the one whose deeds speak of positivity is authority to suggest it to others. Early retire to bed by 9.30 to 10 pm and so early wake up time by 6am is health mantra for home!! This must be practiced by all family members . Eating seasonal fruits every day is 2nd healthy habit. Prayers in the form of sanskrit or mother tongue, as a daily spiritual ritual is equally essential for total health . Child may pick some bad habits from peers , playmates and surroundings, in this situation please have patience. Firstly counsel your child. If necessary then only be firm and punish but be aware while punishing you as a parent must not lose control of your own consciousness. Family visits in Nature and family play time are very important habits to evolve  EQ of child and parents as well. Let's enjoy Good Habits!!!!