Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Acceptance Vs Tolerance

When a loving and caring heart pumps, it gives acceptance phase but when love is deficient then one has to tolerate. May I give few  vivid examples to visualise? Just imagine, if you are accidentally using toothbrush of other person... Agh! It's intolerable. But while kissing the loved one, then this act is simply accepted because brain and heart both are immersed in Love Chemistry! Second common, day to day example,  is stench of ammonia is totally intolerable but mother simply accept her kids wet pants, there is no phenomenon of tolerance. When someone is tolerating somebody, or some situation then there is deficiency of love, and efforts has to put in to get adjusted to it. These efforts may be mere or severe too. Thus , in the act of Tolerance, there are efforts and quite a lot energy is consumed. while in act of Acceptance , it is At Ease, and energy consumed is very less, in the contrary energy is Restored in the form of Increased Emotional Stamina. If somebody is frequently prone to situation of tolerance then his/her emotional stamina decreases rapidly and then there is intolerance expression at physical level in the form of Allergy. Yes! This is most important psychosomatic aetiology of many  Allergic disorders. So many allergic bronchitis cases in Pediatrics are now on  steroid free medications after removing the emotional root cause, leading to intolerance. Negative emotions were replaced by Acceptance with help of EFT and NLP. Thus not only anti allergic and symptomatic treatment but actual Psychological positive enforcement helps efficiently for long term benefits. Parental training and play-way methods are highly effective  to covert tolerance to Acceptance.

1 comment:

Mukul said...

Different outlook from what we read at other blogs. Tolerance vs acceptance.
Esp how our body reacts to both, is so different. And how one is better than others.
Good writing.