Thursday, December 20, 2018

Live like a free spirit

Human beings are nothing but the creatures who are constantly in search of happiness. They not only want happiness but they want it for lifetime. Sometimes one question equips my mind so much and that question is, “What does the real happiness mean?” Many of us may say that having good home, great salary job, so many assets and beautiful clothes to wear that’s what the happiness is all about!    But the great philosopher of Mind, Samarth Ramdas Swami in his 12thshloka says that, don’t allow sorrow or the concept of sorrow to enter your mind. When you do so, you actually allow yourself to be happy.

Your mind is the source of all good as well as bad experiences in life. If you want to be happy, at first place feel happy. What does actually being happy mean? According to Samarth Ramdas Swami, being happy is realizing that happiness is definitely not body oriented. It is all about being a free spirit and enjoying the happiness by being in the body. Happiness is all about knowing that the real purpose of life is being free from all the bodily and worldly desires. It is about being in a body and still experiencing the pure happiness of being a free spirit. When you do so, you start experiencing the change in your mindset and that’s what Samarth Ramdas wants us to experience.

When you overthink about something, you start worrying a lot without any reason. Samarth asks us to leave this habit behind as this causes sadness in life. He asks us not to worry about having sadness in future life. Thinking about future too, surrounds us with sadness. This is how we could gain the real happiness in life by following the footprints of this great legendry Psychologist, Samarth Ramdas Swami!

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