Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Overthinking can be harmful

Human mind is a tool that makes human ‘think’, ‘feel’ and ‘act’. We humans are blessed with various capabilities and those include the given above. We often don’t even realize what we have in our hands and that’s why we don’t value whatever we have. Since our childhood we have been listening that excess of anything is waste!
   This is not just a good thought to be written on blackboard in a classroom. It is applicable to everything in life. May it be love, care, worry or thoughts, when you do in excess amount, you automatically add an ‘over’ to it, which makes these beautiful feelings look ugly.  Today we would discuss about the habit of ‘overthinking’. Overthinking is always about anything that we could not control.
   Sensitive people are expert in this art. Why am I saying this? Because, they have a habit of taking everything right to the heart. Words that they hear, they hear them from heart! Their heart performs various functions. Sometimes it performs the function of hearing, sometimes it performs the function of caring and so on. This burdens their heart in many ways and they feel sad for the actions and words people use for them.
   Everyone in this world is unique and everyone doesn’t have same thought process. Over thinking, over caring and over loving can cause trouble to many people. Most importantly, it is troublesome for the person himself. Overthinking can never help you to solve the problem, it can only tire your mind. This way your mind cannot be able to think about new ideas, imaginations and anything that is new and happening. If you want to be a person with innovative ideas and imaginations, if you want to be happy then quit overthinking and start being positive!

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