Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Glorious History Of Ayurveda


India is a country where one will find many surprising yet very realistic traditional aspects of life. Sometimes we Indians fail to appreciate what we have as a traditional treasure. When we see what we have and appreciate its importance, we actually honor it. We have four Vedas. 1] Rugveda  2] Yajurveda  3] Samveda  4] Atharvaveda. Each of these Vedas has its own specialty. But do you know that there is one more Veda which is directly connected to our well-being? And that too, physical as well as mental? That Veda is Ayurveda.
      The fourth veda that is Atharvaveda is about Health. So, Ayurveda is hence considered as Upveda of Atharvaveda. In Atharvaveda, we find that it consists of various aspects of our body and mind. It is the first Health Science. It consists of bodily activities related to health like, blood circulation, digestion, respiration, reproduction etc. It is composed in a way that one can easily understand the fact that mind and body are interlinked.
      Ayurveda has a great history and it can be seen in the world’s greatest historical Indian epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata. In these Epics we find the names of jadibutis and a few trees which are used in Ayurveda for medicinal uses. We easily find names like ‘Sanjivani’, ‘Ashoka’. We find references of ‘Jvara’, ‘Tamasik’, ‘Rajasik’, ‘Satvik’ gunas of body in Mahabharata. We have many references of poisons and its remedies too in Mahabharata.
   Ashwini Kumar, was a Deva Vaidya (Physician of Gods) who was the master in Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a natural science. It has proven always that it treats human beings without any side effects. It is a good food for thought that one should make Ayurveda and its medicinal uses a way of life to live a healthy life. This earth is the mother of living beings. As long as we use her resources to heal ourselves, we would never face any difficulty in the journey of being healthy.


Anonymous said...

Very informative article.

Brainberg said...

Thank you