Thursday, April 11, 2013

Intelligence and Knowledge

      “The King is praised in his own Kingdom, but a Scholar is praised everywhere”. This statement does not need any justification; it stands true on its own. What is there in the Scholar that earns him the gratitude worldwide? With no hesitation we unanimously say “it is his Knowledge and Intelligence”. Let us see further what these two terms mean to us.
      Knowledge for most of the times is confused with the set of Information the individual has. But when we keenly look into the matter we find that there exists a difference. Information is the large amount of data that the individual gathers and stores in his memory; while Knowledge is sensible implication of that data.  To avoid confusion, we go through this example; an individual may know the number of keys and functions of a piano. He may also know the lessons, the most popular tunes and many more things about piano. But if he doesn’t know how to play the piano, all the knowhow of the piano is mere information. My endeavor here is to emphasize on the deeper connection of knowledge with the behavior of an individual.  
       In connection to the above thought, we try philosophically to demonstrate the fine distinction in ‘intellect’ and ‘intelligence’. Let us again take a help of an example; what would a flower of rose mean to two different people belonging to the faculty of Science and Art. The first man of science would dissect the flower, segregate its parts and name them as the androecia, the gynoecia, petals, sepals, and pedicel and so on. The second as an artist would simply look at the flower, smell it and would say, “Wow, how beautiful the flower is?” Here we understand that the man of science used his ‘intellect’ to define the flower, but the artist made use of his ‘intelligence’. Intelligence also holds its deeper roots into the conscience of an individual.

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