Monday, April 15, 2013

How to spend your Summer..


i) Wake up early : Nothing eats away your vacations like sleep and television. First few days you might relish the opportunity to be under covers till late. It's OK to give yourself a break, but after that, keep up with the habit of waking early. Early mornings give you a fresh breath and lots of extra time to catch up with those hobbies and activities that you wanted to do during the school days but could not because of lack of time and work for exams & assignments.

ii) Study : Catch up with that you did last year and make your base ready for the coming year. Believe it, if your previous year's content is thorough, your next year will be a piece of cake. It's fresh and nobody disturbs early mornings. Spend those few hours studying and you'll be ready to start the day.
iii) Follow a routine : However loose, the structure of a schedule, it will keep you motivated and keep the "doing nothing" hours to a minimum.
iv) Increase vocabulary and improve handwriting: These are areas where you need lots of practice but couldn't devote required amount of time during regular school days. Go for it.

 Increase general knowledge, read newspaper and keep updated : Never miss a newspaper it shall increase your general knowledge and keep you update.

 Join some good activity class and learn something new or go for that sport you like so much.
vii)Arrange your room and house : Donate or reuse the things you don't need. This is the time which you can leisurely spend to arrange and plan your next year.
viii) Give a helping hand : Help your mom in the kitchen and to keep the house clean. Help you father in the garage & garden. Don't forget, they're great science laboratories and observatories!!

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