Thursday, January 20, 2011

Is your Child Nature Smart !?!

Naturalistic Intelligence is the eighth intelligence in the Multiple Intelligence theory. This essay brings forth the qualities your child may possess and make you believe his or her Nature Smartness! Teachers and parents can also groom the child to his best after they find this kind of characteristics in the kid.
General Descriptions and Indicators for Being Nature Smart
For parents and teachers interested in more detail on how "nature smarts" might be recognized in children, we have tried to process, project and conceptualize the ideas about multiple intelligence and come up with apt descriptors. Many of the aspects listed below are from conversations we have had with parents of children who appear to exhibit acute awareness of patterns in nature at an early age.
Naturalist intelligence deals with sensing patterns in and making connections to elements in nature. Using this same intelligence, people possessing enhanced levels of this intelligence may also be very interested in other species, or in the environment and the earth. Children possessing this type of intelligence may have a strong affinity to the outside world or to animals, and this interest often begins at an early age. They may enjoy subjects, shows and stories that deal with animals or natural phenomena. Or they may show unusual interest in subjects like biology, zoology, botany, geology, meteorology, paleontology, or astronomy. People possessing nature smarts are keenly aware of their surroundings and changes in their environment, even if these changes are at minute or subtle levels. Often this is due to their highly-developed levels of sensory perception. Their heightened senses may help them notice similarities, differences and changes in their surroundings more rapidly than others. People with naturalistic intelligence may be able to categorize or catalogue things easily too. Frequently, they may notice things others might not be aware of. As children these people often like to collect, classify, or read about things from nature -- rocks, fossils, butterflies, feathers, shells, and the like.
If your child:
  • Notices patterns and things from nature easily,
  • Has keen senses and observes and remembers things from his/her environment and surroundings,
  • Likes animals and likes to know and remember things about them,
  • Really appreciates being outside and doing things like camping, hiking or climbing, even just like sitting quietly and noticing the subtle differences in the world of nature, or
  • Makes keen observations about natural changes, interconnections and patterns,
then this child may be nature smart.
Primary examples of notable people having naturalistic intelligence are John Muir, Rachel Carson, and Charles Darwin. Examples of cultural groups possessing and valuing this form of intelligence are many Native American Tribes and Aboriginal Peoples.

Possible Traits Exhibited by Children with Naturalistic Intelligence  
Children having naturalistic intelligence may exhibit some of the following characteristics:
They may:

  1. Have keen sensory skills - sight, sound, smell, taste and touch.
  2. Readily use heightened sensory skills to notice and categorize things from the natural world.
  3. Like to be outside, or like outside activities like gardening, nature walks or field trips geared toward observing nature or natural phenomena.
  4. Notice patterns easily from their surroundings -- likes, differences, similarities, anomalies.
  5. Are interested and care about animals or plants.
  6. Notice things in the environment others often miss.
  7. Create, keep or have collections, scrapbooks, logs, or journals about natural objects -- these may include written observations, drawings, pictures and photographs or specimens.
  8. Are very interested, from an early age, in television shows, videos, books, or objects from or about nature, science or animals.
  9. Show heightened awareness and concern of the environment and/or for endangered species.
  10. Easily learn characteristics, names, categorizations and data about objects or species found in the natural world.

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