Thursday, December 31, 2015

Depression Must Be Diagnosed

If you feel depressed for more than 2 weeks then be cautious. Please pay attention to your spouse and  pupil too , and rule out early signs of depression. Subtle signs may be presented as not feeling fresh after awakening, early insomnia, not interested in daily routine, not feeling satiety after meals, unable to enjoy social gathering etc. These signs can  be seen amongst adults, teens and even kids. At home front check out signs of indigestion as it provokes lethargy and dullness leading to depression. So cut down fried food,fast food and start fresh fruit juices as orange, pomegranate which cures gastro intestinal inner lining and also provides micro nutrients which help in detoxification as well as rejunuvation . Carrot juice provides pectin which actually heals GIT. When we say....'it's my gut feeling' it actually states the old fact that feelings are related to gut . Satiety centre in brain gets triggered after good food and also get disturbed with bad food. Vice a versa stress and indigestion can lead to bulaemia or anorexia. Thus vicious cycle may set in. To prevent this in adult or child one must treat at both levels....emotional support and nutritional support.  Please don't get embarrassed if there is depressed state ,please don't hide or neglect but help the one to come out of that state ASAP.

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