Thursday, August 30, 2018

Make your child ready for the real world

Parenting is the greatest blessing in the whole world. As child enters our life, our perspective of seeing things changes and we become a better person. As a parent, everyone wants to be the perfect guardian of their child. They want to give each and everything which their child wants from them and why not, they want their child to be the happiest one in the whole world. But does it really work in the long run? No. There are parents who bring their children in the garden but they don’t let them play because, they don’t want them to be injured while playing. In this case, we could clearly see that they are being extremely over-protective. Any sensible mind could shatter while thinking about these children’s future.
You must be thinking that what’s wrong in protecting our child? There is nothing wrong if you are protecting them for the right reason. If you are protecting your child from the little things like injuries while playing, fights with friends then you are keeping them away from the real life experiences. No one is telling you to put them into troublesome situations to have experiences but at least let them decide what and how it feels when they fall, when they fail and when they succeed. It’s not always about their safety, sometimes it’s about their experiences, their views, their perspectives about things. These little things help to develop their personality.
There is this fact, which every parent should keep in mind that some or the other day, your child is going to be an independent individual and he or she has to face the real world. If you keep them away from these experiences, it will harm them in future. Just imagine, when they will face something in the future like failure or heartbreak, they wouldn’t be able to understand how to react or how to handle themselves, just because they would be totally dependent on you. Because you were the one in every situation who guided them and they didn’t have to do anything for that. So, please don’t make them face this in the future. Don’t be their weakness! Be their strength! Make them ready for the real world.

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