Friday, March 30, 2018

Be remembered for your Karma

When you took birth on this earth, you had brought with you the date and time of your last day on this earth. Your deeds work as mirror for you. They define how you lived your life. This is what Samarth has said in his eighth shloka initially. Whoever is born, he should know that this body is not truth, he should understand that his karma is all what he would be remembered for. As we know that everyone loves appreciation. Everyone loves to listen good things about them.
       Samarth in this shloka talks about the fame which you get for your good deeds after your life. That fame is more important, because when you are alive, people praise you and your work so that you could know this and they could achieve their personal gains through you. But when you are dead, you are of their no use and even then, if people talk good about you then Samarth says that, it is more important.
      That praise from people is the real proof of your good deeds. Hence, Samarth asks mind to follow this as a daily routine. To make mind understand the concept of doing good deeds without stopping, Samarth gives an example of sandal wood. He explains further in Shloka that when sandal wood ends its life by continuously giving pure smell to whoever uses it, it is remembered for the quality it possesses.
       Just like sandal wood, you should be remembered for your work, is what Samarth asks in this Shloka. Samarth further adds that to impress the “Sajjana” that is the people with pure heart and good deeds around us, we should do good deeds only. In this shloka, Samarth has successfully explained the importance of Karma in our life.

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