Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Multiple Intelligence- 'In the womb sharing'

How was Abhimanyu, a war hero of Mahabharata taught in womb?

Is it a myth or a scientific procedure?

Yes! Parents can teach their children multiple intelligence when the kids are already in the womb. In this essay lets understand the phenomena behind this kind of parental sharing.

The very ideology to relate sensory perception to the external apparatus of senses or the sense organs is absurd. We receive physical stimulus through the apparatus which are meant for reception of this stimulus and carry out a slightly more complex process of transduction. Somewhere in the pathway of the physical stimulus been transmitted to the area of the brain where it is processed, the stimulus is converted from physical to electrical stimulus; this process is called as transduction.
The argument in this essay is to through some light on the ability of human brain to perceive the external physical stimulus in absence or disability of the external sensory apparatus. The neurocognitive perspective of perception emphasizes on the phenomena of perception occurring in some pre-determined area of brain. That is to say if a person hears some sound by his ears he actually perceives it only at the auditory area on the temporal side of the brain. This has a lot to do with the person who does not bear the external auditory organ i.e. ear.

Napoleon Hill, a independent researcher in the area of thought dynamics in his book Think and Grow Rich explains of his own son born deaf, deficient in external ear who later in his boyhood started perceiving sound and went on  to become a brand ambassador of reputed company manufacturing hearing aid. Not to quote how Swami Vivekananda explicitly explains this phenomena in his Complete Works.

To the parents bearing doubt of how could womb talk work before the development of the sense organs in the fetus dwelling in the womb, this is a rational explanation. When a fetus is developing in the womb, the words uttered by the parent reach the brain area of the fetus irrespective of the external organ under development. You can try this analogy: A blind man can perceive the shape, texture and the structure of an object not through his eyes but though his other senses. Likewise when all senses are yet to develop skin works as a carrier in the fetus. This is how your words are transmitted and transducted to the auditory area of your baby in the womb before it has developed its ears! 

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